VUMA soner: via Oceans, 2021

2nd work for VUMA soner invites you to three different locations in the city; Narvesen Rundetårnet on Torget, Sukkerhusgaten at Nøstet where sugar arrived from the Caribbean colonies, and Thormøhlens gate in Møhlenpris that was named after a Bergen merchant who strongly influenced the Danish-Norwegian slave trade.
The sea is the departure point for VUMA soner: via Oceans and it examines the historical presence and impact of diasporic people in Bergen. In the form of a guided tour, you are invited to three different locations to listen to local histories and stories.
Project development: @sheilaferuzi @cc.mako
Sound / Music : Ahmet Tolga Balci
Creative writing consultant: John Mukaya, Marcus McLeggon
Voice acting: Marcus McLeggon
Research: Nora Mohammed, Adam H. Moshi
Artistic consultant: @ambersvablett
Vuma Projects Team: @cc.mako @sheilaferuzi, Majenneh Dukuly
The production of the work was supported by BEK - Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst